As you probably already know, obesity is a leading cause of hypertension, known as high blood pressure, which, in turn, is a significant risk factor for longer-term heart disease and congestive heart failure. And while this is no secret, many patients still do not understand the seriousness of high blood pressure and how obesity can cause it. In this article, we will discuss just that.
There are several reasons why high blood pressure can occur.
Narrowed Arteries
One is a result of the narrowing of the arteries, known as atherosclerosis. The arterial narrowing is something that occurs naturally later in life. However, it can be hastened by poor diet, exercise, and lifestyle factors. For example, when we eat saturated fats and highly processed foods, excess fat can circulate in the bloodstream, and these fatty cells accumulate on the artery’s walls, forming a partial blockage. Early on, atherosclerosis has few symptoms, but as the occlusion worsens, patients can begin to feel symptoms in the areas of the body fed by those arteries while experiencing increased blood pressure. For example, if the peripheral arteries are starting to occlude, patients may experience Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD), including symptoms like loss of hair in the extremities, skin that is cold to the touch, pain when exercising, and more. If the blockage affects the coronary arteries, the first symptoms are high blood pressure and angina (chest pain), which can worsen until the patient experiences a heart attack.
More Blood Vessels
It’s also important to understand that fat cells require blood flow like any other body tissue. As fat cells grow, they need additional blood and more blood vessels. This vascularization puts extra pressure on the heart to push greater blood volume around the body. Combined with arteries occluded by cholesterol deposits, the result can be significantly heightened blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, long-term heart failure, and a severe cardiovascular event like a heart attack.
Hormones Dysregulation
Finally, the connection between excess weight and high blood pressure revolves around the chemicals in our bodies known as hormones. High caloric intake has been shown to increase norepinephrine turnover (a regulator of blood pressure) and thus worsen high blood pressure, throwing off the delicate hormonal balance that our bodies once had.
As a final tip, an overlooked cause of blood pressure that you wouldn’t think makes a difference is hydration. Blood is approximately 90% water, with various proteins comprising the rest. If dehydrated, your blood is also affected and becomes more viscous. Of course, thick blood is more difficult to push through the body, and your heart needs to pump harder to get the same amount of blood to the critical areas that need it. Hydration thins out the blood, improving your cardiovascular health dramatically while also giving you mental and physical energy.
Hopefully, you now know why obesity and excess weight make and why you hear us discuss excess weight and its related cardiovascular risks. With that knowledge, we hope you can prioritize improving your diet and exercise regimen while eliminating poor lifestyle choices like smoking and drinking excessively. With these lifestyle changes, you will improve your blood flow, slow or even reverse the progression of cardiovascular disease, and feel better overall.
We encourage you to contact us if you are experiencing any cardiovascular concerns. Of course, if you believe you’re having an emergency, don’t delay calling 911 or visiting your nearest emergency room.